When is doing something for the first time not historic? When it is done by someone that does not agree with WOKE US congresswoman Cori Bush.

US Congresswoman Cori Bush (D) tweeted “(For What It’s Worth) FWIW, @ByronDonalds is not a historic candidate for Speaker. He is a prop. Despite being Black, he supports a policy agenda intent on upholding and perpetuating white supremacy. His name being in the mix is not progress–it’s pathetic.”

This was in response to US Congressman Byron Donalds’s (R) name being mentioned as a possible Speaker of the US House. Which would make him the first Black Speaker of the House.

Real World Application

This is the application of Ibram X. Kendi’s Antiracist Ideology. How Kendi Defines Racist and Antiracist is critical.

Racist: is one who is supporting a racist policy through their actions or inactions or expressing a racist idea

Antiracist: is one who is supporting an antiracist policy through their actions or expressing an antiracist idea.

Bush is claiming Donalds is upholding white supremacy because he doesn’t agree with *her*antiracist view of the world. This is what it truly means to be antiracist, and why antiracists like her and Kendi believe there is no in-between, no such thing as “not racist”. Anyone who disagrees is racist by default.

Donalds’s response to Bush Tweeting “(For What it’s Worth) FWIW, nobody asked @CoriBush her opinion on the matter. Before you judge my agenda, let’s have a debate over the policies and the outcomes. Until then, don’t be a crab in a barrel!”

Why would K-12 schools be promoting Kendi’s Antiracist Ideology?

Rochester Community Schools is using Kendi’s “STAMPED (For Kids): Racism, Antiracism, and You, with 4th and 5th graders. Would it not be better to promote Donalds’s position and teach students to debate ideas?

STAMPED (For Kids): Racism, Antiracism, and You